Hello,Regarding this post I am able to read my encoder value correctly. // STM32 TIM3 Encoder Decoder (PC.06:A PC.07:B) VLDiscovery - sourcer32@gmail.com
#include ''stm32F10x.h''
#include ''STM32vldiscovery.h''
Here is my source code: void CLOCK(void){
Hello,My timer PWM channel is connected directly to a mosfet driver. By using TIM_Cmd(TIM2, DISABLE);it puts the output at high level. I tried to use TIM_DeInit(TIM2); but it generates an additional pulse in the output ( I count the each PWM pulse in...
Thank you for your comment. I think I've done your comment with SPL library ( TIMOCStruct.TIM_OCPolarity to TIM_OCPolarity_Low and even TIM_OCPolarity_High) but nothing works. I changed CCMR1 to TIM_ForcedAction_Active(0x0050) it works fine but I see...
Thank you very much, it works fine, could you let me know about the role of this (EGR) register?does it mean every time that I changed the PSC or counter it makes an interrupt?