User Activity

In the case of normal wake-up, about 6~7 mA current is consumed and 100~250uA is consumed when going into stop mode.Sometimes, it cannot wake up from stop mode when it consumes about 1.6 to 1.7 mAHere is my code:HAL_RTCEx_SetWakeUpTimer_IT(&hrtc, g_s...
My board(custom board) hang-up while init(setLanguage function) after burning image to flash. In debug mode(debug->run target), board is working ok. Here's the hang-up point://Texts.cppcurrentLanguageIndices = staticLanguageIndices[id];sprintf(dbgbuf...
안녕하세요. ​Modal�?� �?�운 �?태�?서 터치스�?�린 입력�?� 받아서 사�?�지게 하고 싶습니다.버튼 키를 사용하지 않고 스�?�린 아무곳�?� 터치 해�?� 받�?�수 있는 방법�?� 있나요?​​답변 부�?드리겠습니다.�?사 합니다.​
Hello,Here's my enviroment;STM32F769Ni Custom board : SDRAM(IS42S32800G-6BLI) + NOR Flash(M29W128GL70ZA6E) + 800 * 480 TFT LCD(RGB-24Bit parallel interface) + FreeRTOS (CMSIS_V2) + TouchGFXIt takes more then 20 second until LCD screen is displayed af...
Hello, STI have some problem for display drawing.I encounted error on simulator when compiling TouchGFX so, I excluded simulator to compile.(after exclusing simulator, I could compile)(using TouchGFX library : cortex_m7/gcc/libtouchgfx-float-abi-hard...
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