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Hi,There are host and slave MCU, both are ST MCU. Slave MCU does not have wifi/ble for OTA upgrade. I would like to use host MCU to download slave MCU image and then use built-in bootloader to upgrade slave MCU.I can find the communication protocol d...
Hi,MCU: STM32L072MCU is using TSC and ST touch sense library. When there is no stop mode involved, the measurement delta of no pressing is normal (-1, 0, 1).If MCU enters stop mode and then exits stop mode for touch sensing measurement, the delta wou...
Hi,MCU: STM32L072MCU is using TSC and ST touch sense library. Before entering stop mode, the delta of touch key without pressing is normal (-2 to 2). However, after exiting STOP mode and then calling tsl_user_Exec_IT(), there is strange value delta.B...