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Hello all,i'm facing a lot of troubles to run my server application on stm32.The server runs in a task. I'm using FreeRTOS. I can't explain everything here but i can share the code.First of all my application goes into HardFault in a kinda random way...
Hi all,i initialized the TIM5 CH4 PWM with the cube mx interface and then i used :HAL_TIM_PWM_Start(&htim5, TIM_CHANNEL_4);The output is supposed to be observed on PI0 - D5 on the CN4 on the back. There is nothing on the oscilloscope though. Do you k...
Hi everyone,SystemClock_Config() works on Nucleo-144 board but not on Discovery even though they both have a F746 mcu on them.
Hi all,I am writing an application on STMCubeIDE and i need to append the its CRC at the end of the generated hex/bin file. Is there any shortcut or functionality in order to do that on STMCubeIDE? And if not, how would you suggest me to do that? Tha...
Hi all, i am getting this weird error. It's in a HAL driver from STM32 so it can't possibly be my mistake. The weird thing is that yesterday i was able to overcome this problem by cleaning and rebuilding the project. Today it seems like it won't work...