I had to use Task Manager to close the program by selecting "Java (TM) Platform SE binary" as the name "STM32CubeProgrammer" does not appear in the Name column of Task Manager.I discovered this on a Windows 10 machine.
The release notes for v2.2.0 say that feature is in there, but I can't seem to find it.I tried the "Full Chip Erase" feature & it cleared everything EXCEPT the EEPROM.
Does ST anywhere provide a complete example, written using HAL calls, for reading temperature from the STM32L0? Very frustrating trying to piece together bits of information from the posts here + other resources on the internet. This should not be...
Are you using your own board, or one of ST's reference boards?I had a similar problem trying to consistently write to EEPROM and the problem turned out to be a noisy power rail. I needed to add a filter cap, and also a decoupling cap, to my board in...
Some additional comments:[I referenced some images below, which were visible in the editor window while composing, but disappeared once the content was posted. <sigh> ]Using the old ST-LINK utility it was possible to erase the EEPROM using the Flash ...
Hi Nesrine,Please see this topic:https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W000006Hj9rSAC/how-to-erase-eeprom-in-an-stm32l0series-part-using-stm32cubeprogrammerwhere I asked the specific question about erasing EEPROM.Using the old ST-LINK utility it wa...
Hi Nesrine,I have never used STM32CubeProgammer before v2.4.0 so I don't know if it happened with earlier builds.The version of Java on my machine is Version 8 Update 251 (build 1.8.0_251-b08) as reported in the "About Java" window on my system.After...