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Hello,I am a newbie and trying to get debugging on my STM32WB55 USB Dongle Board to work.I have LPUART1 and USART1 set up, but don't understand what else is required to set up?Is there any example project for the USB Dongle Board using the USB conne...
Hello,I have connected a BNO055 Sensor via I2C to a STM32WB Nucleo board. The sensor data is send by a BLE Service without problems after powering the device.However, if I change the code and upload via STM32CubeIDE or press the reset button on the d...
Hi, I have been following the STM32WB workshop, however the material seems to not fit to the current FW anymore.I need to read a sensor that is connected via I2C and send the results via BLE.I can get the sensor readings and output them via UART but ...