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Posted on March 05, 2018 at 18:23I am using STM8S003F3U.  This MCU is being used with a SPIRIT1 transceiver. Using OOK modulation, the SPIRIT1's raw data is being sent to pin PC3 on the MCU.   Because my transmitter's data rate is inconsistent, I ne...
Posted on May 06, 2015 at 15:05Hello,I am using the Cube to configure the micro's USB OTG as a virtual com device.  However, when I plug this USB into my Windows 7 PC, the driver on the PC reports that the device cannot be started (code 10).  I have...
Posted on March 11, 2015 at 20:26First my planI am using the STM32F411, and I am designing a custom boot loader specific to my application.  This boot loader will first of all scan the internal flash memory beginning at address 0x0800C000 for 256 by...