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Hello, it is the first time when i have to deal with microphones and PDM interface. I just can't get correct data from the microphone, or the data is correct but i am doing something terribly wrong. I configure I2S to sample microphone with DMA. Whe...
Posted on January 26, 2017 at 13:31Hello, we are having problems with communicating to sensor LSM9ds1tr via SPI with sm32l011k4 mcu. The problem is that SPI seems to work good and looking with logic analyzer proves that everything is okey, we are se...
Posted on April 19, 2016 at 12:59Hello, i have a question about ADC operation and EOC flag on stm32f30 mcu. Let'say i have a single conversion mode and i want to read 5 channels (let's also say that for some unbelievable reasons i can't use DMA for ...
Posted on November 13, 2015 at 18:42Hello everyone, i need some help, so if anyone could, i'd be grateful. I need to start two timers instantaneously at the same time, when external event happens. Lets say, rising edge on the pin should trigger two ...
Posted on November 02, 2015 at 22:52My problem is that i am not able to write to SPI1->DR. I have a LIS2DH accelerometer on SPI1 and i am able to read �Who_Am_I'' register and it returns correct value. However when i try to read any other register v...