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Hi to all,I have a problem with clock and systick configuration.I am using an STM32F303CBT MCU and STMCubeIDE.At present my program realize a blinking led, but if I do not activate SysTick after a randon mumber of blinking the led stuck on or off ind...
Hi to all,I am moving to SPM32CubeIDE on Linux and, as a newby, I encountered a lot of problems.I started a new empty C++ project and I put all my flies and classes.I also included syscall.c file (renamed in syscall.cpp) as in it there are _seek(), _...
Hi to all,I'm trying to write my own I2C class, but SDA seems not willing to collaborate.Here is pins configuration:#define I2C1_SCL   8      // PB8#define I2C1_SDA   9      // PB9MYI2C::MYI2C(){   if(!(RCC->AHBENR & RCC_AHBENR_GPIOBEN)) RCC->AHBENR ...
Hi to all,I hope this is the right place where asking to.Anyway in my custom board I use four timers: SysTick, RTC, TIM6 (DAC) and TIM3 (PWM).I wnted to add a new timer (I tryed TIM7 and TIM2), but it wouldn't work and I discovered that neither TIM3 ...
Hi to all,I am experiencing a nasty problem in programming a STM32F107 MCU.I made a my own board and I use to interface with pc USART1 (PA9 - PA10) and SWD (PA13 - PA14).Using the FlashDownloaderDemonstration, usually I get "No response from the targ...