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Hi,I'm starting to play around with ST BLE.I'm using X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1 on NUCLEO-F401RE.I've just followed the "Getting started" I've drag .bin over the icon: NUCLEO_F401RE (C:\Users\andre\Documents\BlueNRG ...
Hi,I'm starting to play around with ST BLE.I'm using X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1 on NUCLEO-F401RE.I've just followed the step described on :I've drag .bin over the icon: NUCLEO_F401RE (en.X-CUBE-BLE1\STM32CubeExpan...
Hi,I am exploring X-NUCLEO_IDB05A1 with STM32F401RET Nucleo, and I'm following Tutorial 7 – Using the X-Cube-BLE1 software pack (UM1718) , I'm getting build errors in console. Errors like:..\Src\app_x-cube-ble1.c:37:27: fatal error: nucleo_f401re.h: ...
Hi all,there is a way to set a Threshold for VL53L1  and keep the setting even if a power off / power on?
Hi all,I'v modified the example of MultiSensorRanging in STM32CubeExpansion_53L1A1_V2.1.0. I'v fitted JMP U11 and U18, and modified the file X-NUCLEO-53L1A1.h as indicated.All sensors renging but only the centered generates interrups! #ifndef VL53L1A...
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