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X-NUCLEO-53L1A1 in MultiSensorRanging one interrupt per sensor

Associate III

Hi all,

I'v modified the example of MultiSensorRanging in STM32CubeExpansion_53L1A1_V2.1.0.

I'v fitted JMP U11 and U18, and modified the file X-NUCLEO-53L1A1.h as indicated.

All sensors renging but only the centered generates interrups!

#ifndef VL53L1A1_GPIO1_SHARED
 * @brief select use of shared interrupt
 * Must be set to 0 (or not defined) for one interrupt per sensor
 * Must be set to non 0 for shared interrupt line
 * see @sa VL53L1A1_GPIO1_C_OPTION
#   define VL53L1A1_GPIO1_SHARED  0
 /* X-NUCLEO-53L1A1.h */
#ifndef VL53L1A1_GPIO1_C_OPTION
 * @def VL53L1A1_GPIO1_C_OPTION
 * @brief select GPIO1 to exti mapping for center or shared interrupt
 * Set option value or un-define it to match with board configuration
 * @li not defined or 0  : U14=On  and U17=off  => GPIO1_C = PA4
 * @li defined and not 0 : U14=Off and U17=on  => GPIO1_C = PC1
#   define VL53L1A1_GPIO1_C_OPTION 0
#ifndef VL53L1A1_GPIO1_L_OPTION
 * @def VL53L1A1_GPIO1_L_OPTION
 * @brief control left sensor GPIO1 routing solder option
 * @warning not used on shared interrupt config
 * Set option value or un-define it to match with board configuration
 * @li not defined or 0  : U10=on and  U11=Off => GPIO1_L = PC7
 * @li defined and not 0 : U10=off and U11=on  => GPIO1_L = PA9
#   define VL53L1A1_GPIO1_L_OPTION 1
#ifndef VL53L1A1_GPIO1_R_OPTION
 * @def VL53L1A1_GPIO1_R_OPTION
 * @brief control right sensor GPIO1 routing solder option
 * @warning not used on shared interrupt config
 * Set option value or un-define it to match with board configuration
 * @li not defined or 0  : U18=on and  U15=Off => GPIO1_R = PA10
 * @li defined and not 0 : U18=off and U15=on  => GPIO1_R = PB5
#   define VL53L1A1_GPIO1_R_OPTION 0
 /* END X-NUCLEO-53L1A1.h */
/* main.c */
	for (ToFSensor=0;ToFSensor<3;ToFSensor++){ //Reset the 3 ToF sensors on the expansion board
		status = XNUCLEO53L1A1_ResetId(ToFSensor, 0);
	for (ToFSensor=0;ToFSensor<3;ToFSensor++){ // Bring the sensors out of the reset stage one by one and set the new I2C address
			case 0:
			case 1:
			case 2:
		status = XNUCLEO53L1A1_ResetId(ToFSensor, 1);
		Dev->comms_speed_khz = 400;
		Dev->I2cHandle = &hi2c1;
		Dev->comms_type = 1;
		Dev->I2cDevAddr=0x52; // default ToF sensor I2C address
		VL53L1_RdWord(Dev, 0x010F, &wordData);
		printf("VL53L1X: %02X\n\r", wordData);
		newI2C = Dev->I2cDevAddr + (ToFSensor+1)*2;
		status = VL53L1_SetDeviceAddress(Dev, newI2C);
		VL53L1_RdWord(Dev, 0x010F, &wordData);
		printf("VL53L1X: %02X\n\r", wordData);
		status = VL53L1_WaitDeviceBooted(Dev);	// Device Initialization and setting
		status = VL53L1_DataInit(Dev);
		status = VL53L1_StaticInit(Dev);
		status = VL53L1_SetDistanceMode(Dev, VL53L1_DISTANCEMODE_SHORT);
		status = VL53L1_SetMeasurementTimingBudgetMicroSeconds(Dev, 300000);
		status = VL53L1_SetInterMeasurementPeriodMilliSeconds(Dev, 1000);
	  	DetectionConf.DetectionMode = VL53L1_DETECTION_DISTANCE_ONLY;
	  	DetectionConf.IntrNoTarget = 0;
	  	DetectionConf.Distance.CrossMode = VL53L1_THRESHOLD_IN_WINDOW; //!< Trigger interrupt if value > thresh_low AND value < thresh_high
	  	DetectionConf.Distance.Low = 100; // in mm
	  	DetectionConf.Distance.High = 1000; //in mm
	  	//status = VL53L1_SetPresetMode(Dev, VL53L1_PRESETMODE_AUTONOMOUS);
		status = VL53L1_SetThresholdConfig(Dev, &DetectionConf);
		status = VL53L1_GetThresholdConfig(Dev, &DetectionConf);
		status = VL53L1_StartMeasurement(Dev);
		printf("Low: %d, High: %d, IntrNoTarget: %d, Mode: %d, CrossMode: %d\r\n", DetectionConf.Distance.Low, DetectionConf.Distance.High, DetectionConf.IntrNoTarget, DetectionConf.DetectionMode, DetectionConf.Distance.CrossMode );

Associate III

I've found the bug!

The GPIO9/10 must be set as GPIO4 (center sensor): i.e. PULLUP and IT_RISING😅

  /*Configure GPIO pin : VL53L1X_INT_Pin */
  GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = VL53L1X_INT_Pin_Center|VL53L1X_INT_Pin_Left|VL53L1X_INT_Pin_Right;
  GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_PULLUP;
  HAL_GPIO_Init(VL53L1X_INT_GPIO_Port, &GPIO_InitStruct);

ST Employee

​Well done. I didn't know that. =)

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