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We made a prototype, but the reading performance is worse than EVAL.It was confirmed that the value of Ext.signal sourse in the "normal with RF on" state was large.Therefore, it is presumed that the large reception noise is the cause of the deteriora...
I would like to refer to the operation of the GUI in order to optimize the reception function.​It is written in the UM2268 User manual."In the Diagnostic Sweep Function panel it is possible to run a reflected power sweep measurements across the selec...
Table 67 in the data sheet includes nominal differential mixer input sensitivity and incremental differential mixer input sensitivity. Is this a difference in register settings?Please tell me each register setting.Please tell me if there is any diffe...
In Figure 2 of st25RU3993 DateSheet, the CIR is used in front of the antenna, but the coupler is used for T4 of EVAL.I think if I want to use carrier cancellation, ​the Coupler needs to be used.Which one is recommended?​​Is LNA unnecessary?​Does addi...