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If we don´t use the NRST pin how o what to need to put to this pin to protect from ESD. The other question is the pins that don´t use from the micro what I need to do with them (put pull-up or pull-down o kepp open externally) ? referring to ESD.
How to prove if the selection of the load capacitors CL1 and CL2 for HSE and LSE Crystals is correct?Maybe with oscilloscope?
Which values can I suppose for Cin, Cout and Board Strays for STM32F103 and STM32L4 for HSE and LSE using the ecuation 1 in the following datasheet of the abracon ""
I want to use a STM32F103, STM32L431, 451 and 471 microcontroller, but i don´t know if the crystal that i selected (ABS07-120-32.768kHz-T and ABMM2-8.000MHZ-E2-T) is valid for this microcontroller.And another question is how to calcule the load capac...
Posted on June 21, 2018 at 16:03Hello,I design a LoRa aplication with CMWX1ZZABZ module. The schematic which I use is the following:And the current consumption es 1.2mA. Anybody know which are the errors in the schematic to get 1.65uA of the datashe...