Hi,Same problem here using win10. My silly solution is to use debug mode to flash the program into the chip.It takes less time to open the STVD programmer.Cheers.
Posted on June 14, 2018 at 12:58I read though the data sheet of the sensor and the example of the SPL. To be honest , when I see there is a parameter for transceiver and receiver, I automatically think the library will shift the bit for me...
Posted on June 14, 2018 at 09:37 Problem partly solved, it is because the address is not the correct for my case. You need to manually shift the slave address by 1 for the function: void I2C_Send7bitAddress(I2C1,addr << 1, I2C_Direction_Trasmit...
Posted on June 14, 2018 at 08:06Hi everyone, I have the same issue here. I am trying to use the MAX44009 i2C sensor and I am also stuck inside the same loop.This function I2C_CheckEvent(I2C1, I2C_EVENT_MASTER_TRANSMITTER_MODE_SELECTED) always return...