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I am doing i2c reads in my while(1) loop. I do have an external interrupt source. I wonder, if the external interrupt arrives while data is being sent on i2c bus, what will happen? The mcu will enter to interrupt service routine clearly, will i2c per...
update:I plug the board to PC, click on this button(the right one, run button) below, CubeIDE loads the code into board and it works like a charm. I then disconnect the board, replug it, and now it is not working. Adding a delay(around 8 ms) after se...
Hi, I am familiar with STM32F407 from my previous works. In that 40xx family, it was easy to understand, there are AFRL and AFRH registers by which user can select the desired AF for each and every pin independently.However, now, I am working with ST...
Preamble: consider I have an STM32F4 Discovery Board.Hi,STM32CubeIDE offers a very good interface and opportunities. However, I am type of a person who wants to actually see each step. So, I want such a configuration that, only the minimum set of re...
In documents and lots of online sources there is a formula as follows(attached below),But I cannot get why CAL value is in the numerator and RAW data is in the denominator. I have this logic in my mind,In the factory, producers used a preknown/fixed ...
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