Is it possible to customize the display format of ITM data in the "SWV ITM Data Console" view to show the raw data values, rather than the text interpretation?For example, I'm writing various counter values to different ITM ports, and would like a co...
Regarding the definition of the Receive callback in usbd_cdc.h:typedef struct _USBD_CDC_Itf
// ...
int8_t (* Receive)(uint8_t *Buf, uint32_t *Len);
// ...
} USBD_CDC_ItfTypeDef; Passing length as a pointer implies that the call...
When creating projects, I prefer to link to common library files, rather than copy them into my project, but how the IDE manages these relative links makes it difficult to share projects among developers via version control. Note that this configurat...
I'd like to check if any pull requests break the build by automatically running headlessbuild as part of CI.Unfortunately, there's a critical flaw with how STM32CubeIDE projects are setup, which makes this impossible.The headless build depends on con...
In the STM32F413/423 reference manual ( RM0430 Rev 8), there are two UART8_RX options, but no UART8_TX option. This seems like a typo, since all other UART instances have both a TX and RX mapping.Also, CubeMX lets you assign UART8_TX to stream 0.
Yes, that's one possibility for the Receive callback. The other possibility is the inverse, where the callback sets length to the number of bytes remaining (rather than number of bytes received). The latter seems to be the case for the ECM lib./* Pro...
Same question applies to the TransmitCplt callback too. Why is Len a pointer? Are we supposed to modify the value of Len within our callback?typedef struct _USBD_CDC_Itf
// ...
int8_t (* TransmitCplt)(uint8_t *Buf, uint32_t *Len, uint8_t epnum)...
Looks like this has been fixed in v1.50.In the release notes: "93098 Headless build script should return with the same exit code as sub-process"I also see this entry in the release notes: "Added FreeRTOS™ support"Where can I read more about that new ...
An aside that I meant to report earlier: The script always exits with status zero (pass). This should probably be changed to return the actual status code from the stm32cubeide command, so it's actually usable for CI purposes where ...
Thanks so much for sharing a solution!I didn't realize that the -help flag needed to be after the -application. I initially tried passing it to the original command:/opt/st/stm32cubeide_1.4.0/stm32cubeide -helpIn case anyone else is trying trying to ...