User Activity

Hi STM8 Team,I am trying to do In-Application Programming on STM8AF5288T MCU which is a 64K Flash device. The available E_W_RAM_ROUTINEs are for 32K and 128K flash. Does the 128K version work on STM8AF5288T?Also which version of BSL should I use? Tha...
Hi STM Team,I am trying to flash STM8AF5288T from iMX8MM using stm8gal tool using SPI interface. I successfully cross compiled the stm8gal for Android and run it in the device. It is giving following error:It seems like issue with bootloader. Kindly ...
Hi STM8 Team,We are using STM8AF5288T which controls a LIN slave connected to it.Our requirement is to check if the LIN bus is inactive. I am not able to find any registers/flags which can show status of LIN bus.Could you please help here.Thanks,Hrit...
Hi STM8 Team,I can see STVD generates .s19 , .sm8 files. I want to generate .bin file. I had tried it by adding the following line in Post-Build section:chex -o $(OutputPath)$(TargetSName).binBut this did not work. Could you please guide me on how to...
Hi STM8 Team,We have to flash STM8AF5288T MCU via SPI protocol from iMX8M Mini running on Android 11 OS.I have read the AN2659 document to study about IAP and understand the custom bootloader code.I have few queries after reading it which are as foll...