Posted on March 01, 2018 at 05:10I used NUCLEO-H743ZI board which is mounted STM32H743ZIT, and used STM32 CubeMX generate Code like this.I config PC9 = MCO2 to output SYSCLK/10. I can get 80MHz wave at Pin PC9, so I ensure the SYSCLK is ...
Posted on March 08, 2018 at 01:00Yes.As what you said , I think that may be cause by the complex bus matrices must consume many clock's to transfer and synchronize the data. Thanks you.
Posted on March 03, 2018 at 11:36 , ,Thanks for reply.I have try as your suggestion,optimization for speed level-3, put the code in the TCM, enable cache, and so on. But I get the same result ,the GPIO toggled still , at 16.7MHz wave.I also check ...