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I measured the time took to run a length 127 Multiply–accumulate routine by togging a GPIO pin before and after the arm_dot_prod_q15() routine. And then I can measure pulse width by a scope. It was 7us on the STM32F413 and 6us on the STM32H7A3.
I am using the CubeMX to set up a STM32F413 to receive audio signal form the I2S unit 1 . But then I found that the CubeMX do not allow set up of NVIC for unit 1, 4,5 of the I2S. Only unit 2,3 which have full duplex function have NVIC setting. This m...
I am using the STM32F407Zg MCU and is learning how to set up the ADC for continuous sampling by timer. But I have trouble to understand the manual. The ADC section refer to TIM1_CH1 or TIM1_CC1 etc. But the Timer section do not use the same term.
I have a Timer 2 interrupt handler  which will toggle the Port E output. My MCU is STM32F407 running at 168 Mhz. I found that the toggle code inside the interrupt handler only work if the APB1 prescaler is set to /2 or /4 only. Slower ABB1 frequency...