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Hi everyone,I am using an LSM6DS3 IMU sensor for my current project.In Application Note AN4650, I read that the gyroscope analog signal coming from the mechanical parts is filtered by a low-pass anti-aliasing filter (having a constant bandwidth). Do ...
Hi everyone,I am developing an application using the STM32L476RG MCU with FreeRTOS v2, FATFS and an SD card. I am storing sensor data in a .bin file onto the SD card and I want to enable the USB Mass Storage functionality to get .bin files onto my PC...
Hi everyone,I am working on a project using the SensiBLE module. It includes an STM32L476RG microcontroller and an LSM6DS3 IMU sensor. I am using I2C for communication between the two.I am trying to enable the accelerometer data-ready interrupt on IN...
Hi everyone,I am using a STM32G474VETx chip and I have an issue with two peripherals being in conflict.I need to use the OPAMP1 input pin (PA1) for current sensing purposes. The OPAMP1 mode required is "PGA not connected" which automatically configur...