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hello sirI am using motor control workbench 5.4.6 and EVSPIN32F0602S3 kit. Is there any function to get individual phase ( R,Y,B) current and total average power of motor ?
i am using EVSPIN32F0601S1 kit. now i want to read adc channel 5 value where current amplified signal given in my kit. i used motorcontrol workbench 5.4.6. how can i get adc value of channel 5. is there any function for it ?
I am using EVSPIN32F0601S1 kit. now i want to read the adc channel 5 value. current amplified single given to adc channel 5(IN5) in my kit. i want to read the value of that adc channel. how can i read adc value ?
We devlope our own board based on evspin32f0602 and modified it for 40 amp. We have problem to read motor power beyond 3000 watt.
Hello sir,we designed our own board based on EVSPIN32F0602S1. We changed shunt value to 0.125 ohm for 40A. But when we start motor, we get noise in startup parameter. Motor work fine on load. But in no load motor spin and stop working. We get problem...