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Hello everyone,I have an issue with the IIS2DH accelerometer when I try to pool data from it.My setup is: STM32L442 connected to the IIS2DH using SPI interface and sending data through USART to Tera Term (using a FTDI cable).First I have a small init...
Hi everyone,On my custom board (STM32L442 + BlueNRG-MS), I am currently trying to get working the BlueNRG chip using the BlueNRG GUI software.I used CubeMX (V4.26) to implement the BLE middleware and to set up the interface between the MCU and the BL...
Posted on February 20, 2018 at 16:22Hi everyone,I'm trying to get working a very simple program on my Nucleo STM32L452RE-P but I have some unexpected problems...I'm using CubeMX with Atollic TrueStudio V9.0. I configured the ADC in DMA mode and also...