Nordic board + ST25DV_Discovery_ANT_C6 = works great.Nordic board + ST25DV_Discovery_ANT_C1 = does NOT work (ST25 is not recognized). Why?What is the operational difference between C6 and C1?
app_twi_perform() returns 0x03 == NRF_ERROR_INTERNAL.Reset board with button does not help.After Power Cycle can update EEPROM successfully.Accessing FTM buffer with proprietary smartphone app.
C6 has small antenna.C1 has large antenna.Connected via I2C to Nordic nRF52-DK.Connection is identical in both cases, but with C1 Nordic fails to initialize the ST25.
Thank you, JL.That indeed was the case. Appreciate your advice and great customer support.EDIT. Sometimes it still crashes when setting MB_CTRL_Dyn register.