User Activity

How to calculate the square root in the STVD?Is it necessary to use a library? Where can I get this library?
Hello,I am working on a code that uses the HAL library for SPI communication. But I have a problem with SPI's state-checking routine.void libera_escrita(void){ SPI_TxBuffer[0] = 6; HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOC, CS_Pin, GPIO_PIN_RESET); while (HAL_SPI_GetS...
Hello,I am using an STM32F051 with an external EEPROM M24M01 memory of 1Mbit capacity (500 x 256bits)STMCubeMX has a proprietary library for use with external I2C EEPROM memory, but it is not suitable for the storage memory I am using.Would someone h...
Posted on January 19, 2018 at 18:53Hello, I am modifying the code of an STM8S003 that already works.But the code stopped working, even though I have not made any changes yet.The STVD displays the following error message:#error clnk Debug\ajk_strobo_...