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Summary This article provides a step-by-step guide and example regarding how a function pointer is implemented and used. The basic usage and a simple example application are provided using the NUCLEO-G071RB board but can be easily tailored to any ot...
Summary This article demonstrates how to implement an SNTP client using the LwIP stack in a callback-based application. The demonstration code is built using the NUCLEO-H723ZG development board but can be easily tailored to a different STM32. All im...
Summary This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to configure your STM32 to have a super simple bootloader and application. Additionally, a third region in memory where a shared set of functions between the two other codes can reside. The b...
Summary This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to create a memory section in the linker script.  Additionally, how to allocate a variable in that specific memory address region using two different IDEs: STM32CubeIDE and IAR EWARM. Introdu...
Summary This article guides readers through locating key information in STM32 documentation, using the STM32G081xB datasheet as a practical example. We illustrate how to identify details about the current sinking capabilities of pins, including the ...
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