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In #[STM32 MCUs]​ - #Cortex-m0​ . In *.icf we can define the size and location of stack in the RAM area.Is there any process to define the size and start location of Main stack and program stack separate in the stack section?
I am using #[STM32 MCUs]​ #Cortex-m0​ . In linker file we have symbol: __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ How we can use this symbol in application ?I have assigned &__ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ to Pointer.i.e int *p = &__ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__now usin...
I am using #[STM32 MCUs]​ #Cortex-m0​ and IDE i am using is #Iar-embedded-workbench​ I want to know, How can I decide how much size #Stack​ / #Heap​ / and #Command-line​ argument will take for my project ?In *.icf file what size, we supposed to keep?
Posted on April 23, 2018 at 12:59I am using STM32f070xB controller. I want to use @TIM16_CH1 for input capture.GPIO_PIN: ♯PB8Timer clock freq: 3MHzTIMER is getting interrupted continuously but after 120Hz, flow is not going into Capture compare call...
Posted on January 25, 2018 at 06:42I am using ♯, where I tried to calculate the 32- bit CRC of my flash using ♯ register.How I can ensure if the CRC calculation of my flash is correct.CRC Configuration I used is :hcrc.Instance = CRC;hcrc.Init.Defaul...