I wrote the below assembly macro in startup.S file..macro DEBUG_ToggleLED88 /*Enable clock to the Peripheral Set the pin to output Toggle PD14 */ .equ RCC_BASE, 0x58024400 .equ GPIOD_BASE,0x58020C00 .equ AHB4ENR_OFFSET,0x0E0 .equ RCC_AHB4...
Hello Peter,Its no working.Do you think if there is any bug with the editor or the assembler?.macro DEBUG_ToggleLED88
.equ RCC_BASE,0x58024400
.equ LED_D88_GPIO_Port,0x58020C00
.equ GPIOD_BASE,0x58020C00
Hi Peter,Even now, I have removed that line and still getting the error.<.macro DEBUG_ToggleLED88 .equ RCC_BASE,0x58024400 .equ GPIOD_BASE,0x58020C00 .equ LED_D88_GPIO_Port,0x58020C00 .equ GPIODMODER_OFFSET,0x00 .equ GPIODODR_OFFSET,0x14 .equ ...
Thank You Peter.But, I tried everything and still getting same error..macro DEBUG_ToggleLED88.equ RCC_BASE,0x58024400.equ GPIOD_BASE,0x58020C00.equ AHBENR_OFFSET,0xE0.equ RCC_AHBENR,0x580244E0.equ LED_D88_GPIO_Port,0x58020C00.equ GPIODMODER_OFFSET,0...
Hi Peter,Thank You for this information. As those are invisible characters, I am not able to resolve this issue.If possible could you please let me know how to resolve it? For this macro, I did not copy paste. SO, not sure how it got introduced. Here...