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Does anyone have experience with Etherner/IP on STM32? (STM MCU or MPU are just fine)We are looking for Ethernet/IP example on STM32 but seems not found any thing yet.All we found are just : I-NUCLEO-NETX - netSHIELD industrial ethernet protocols exp...
Hi, we see STM32H7 has Qspi errata as below: But we are not sure where to apply the patch exactly. It says "upon reset and upon switching from memory-mapped", mean in reset function, right after or before "HAL_QSPI_Init"?      
Hi, on SPI, does anyone know why every 8 bytes then it has a big gap?We tried:1MH, no gap,2MH, gap occurs,4MHz gap bigger,8MH gap bigger than 4MHzSeem higher frequency, bigger gap We don't use DMA   
I am using STM32CubeMx to generate device tree:I got these in uboot device tree:&rcc {st,clksrc=<CLK_MPU_PLL1PCLK_AXI_PLL2PCLK_MCU_PLL3PCLK_PLL12_HSECLK_PLL3_HSECLK_PLL4_HSECLK_RTC_LSECLK_MCO1_HSICLK_MCO2_DISABLED>; st,clkdiv = <1 /*MPU*/0 /*AXI*/0 /...
Hi, I set MCO1 using HSE clock and get 8MHz working well (my HSE is 8MHz)But I need 16MHz or higher on MCO1, so I changed to MCO1 source clock by HSI but there is nothing.I tested other CSI, HSE, ... MCO1 work, except for HSI.I think there is somethi...
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