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I'm trying to get SPI1 working on an STM32U575 (NUCLEO board), starting from a base of existing working STM32F4 LL API code, but have failed.I am running this on a NUCLEO-U575ZI-Q board, so MOSI on PA7 (D11), MISO on PA6 (D12), SCLK on PA5(D13) and w...
I have LL-API based UART/USART code which runs on an STM32U575 (tested on a NUCLEO-U575ZI-Q board), no problem (@ 115200).I would like to move this code to the LPUART (pins D0/D1, PG8/PG7, of the board).  However, I have failed; not even TX works (a ...
Using the STM32CubeProgramer (v2.16 from a Windows 11 laptop) with my NUCLEO-U575ZI-Q board has, from this morning, resulted in only the response:UR connection mode is defined with the HWrst reset modeST-LINK SN : 003E004C3532510F31333430ST-LINK FW :...
[This is a follow-up to]As discussed in the issue referenced above, we do quite a lot of work in C constructors ...
We have code which performs quite a lot of operations in C constructors.  This means that, with the standard STM32U5 startup code, execution of __libc_init_array takes around 10 seconds, which is undesirable, hence we would like to set up all of the ...
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