L412k8u6 cannot enter the main function during debugging. The same program can be debugged normally with stm32l412 nucleus board.Only when the program is downloaded again can there be a small probability of entering the main function.Is this a hardwa...
When preparing to set the option byte, it is found that the read protection setting is at level 1 and cannot be changed to level 0. Then, it cannot be applied when preparing to apply, as shown in figures 5
According to the above suggestions, use stm32cubeprogrammer to set the RDP value to FF, and then restore it to AA value. The problem of read protection has been solved. Thank you very much.
Thank you for your reply. When I download the program using stm32cubeprogrammer according to your suggestion, I still prompt "error: failed to erase memory", so I think the read-write protection should be cancelled. Is there any way to solve it? I ha...