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Read from datasheet, not clear if I could use MCU change the I2C register, then get new PDO effective immediately or have to write to NVM first, reset, then the chip load that to I2C register to take it effective. If has to write NVM every time, wha...
Posted on October 30, 2017 at 14:38I run the touch sample interrupt sample code from STM32Cube_FW_F0_V1.9.0 on F072 DISCO board. According to readme.txt. It should turn on the each LED according to each touch key. But what I see is when start run, b...
Posted on October 08, 2017 at 08:07I don't need any other things except USB and UART, so I remove the stm32f072b_eval.c. I change the target device to 072RB in MDK option tab. I modified usdb_cdc_interface.h usart to uart1 as discovery board.I also ...