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Dear ST Engineer, Hello, I am doing sound classification (AER-CNN-KERAS) artificial intelligence, hardware STM32H743IIT6 (400M) external extension SDRAM (W9825G6KH-6) This is a 16-bit data width 32M bytes memory rate 100M After downloading the model ...
Dear ST Engineer,I use CubeMX. AI debugging the AER applications downloaded from, need RAM 9.31 MiB, no matter use what kind of compression is so big, that is to say there is no that kind of MCU can adapt to...


Dear ST Engineer,AER applications downloaded from, because librosa version upgrade to 0.8.1, some functions have been replaced, where is the new application download?
Dear ST Engineer,    I have downloaded the AER audio recognition AI app from Github. There are about 50 kinds of audio in the app for training convolutional neural network (CNN). If I need to train a specific audio that I have customized, what should...