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Posted on September 14, 2017 at 13:55My question is regarding RS485 Modbus protocol I am using STM32F030 Nucleo board for communication with RS485 board two USART is used (USART1 AND usart2) for communication purpose I am sending data USART2 (ST-KIT...
Posted on September 11, 2017 at 14:54TO Calculate PWM Duty Cycle Hello all,My question is regarding duty cycle vary according to ADC value I am using STM32F030R8T6 Controller TIM3 is used to generate 20khz signal Prescaler value is 47 and count peri...
Posted on September 08, 2017 at 14:19Hello all, My question is how to read ADC  value ( AC and DC (voltage and current ) ) If I want to generate 20khz signal and vary duty cycle (0-100%) of PWM according to ADC value   how it can do and how to reloa...
Posted on August 31, 2017 at 14:28hello all,my question regarding interfacing rs485 with stm32f030r8t6 microcontroller. 485 to ttl converter is used 5v vcc but stm32 works on 3.3v how can i interface stm32 with rs485 cnverter. when i  am send...
Posted on July 10, 2017 at 11:07Hi, My question is i want to communicate through uart between  stm32f030 board  and inverter ,I am using rs485 converter to TTL board.communication has done through modbus protocol.Driver enable pin is high data will ...