Hi,i want to utilize an unknown number of SPI slaves which will send and receive e.g. a byte of data each. patching them together has to be as easy as plugging an ethernet cable BUT some data is used by multiple slaves.Let's say I have a maximum of 3...
Hi, I just tried to create a simple Test for USART but it doesn't work.I activated HSE, Serial Wire and UART2 for aynchronous 115200 baud. 8.1 via stmcubeThis is basically the code I wrote into main loop:...
char text[] = "Hallo Welt!\r\n\0";
they're working in parallel.My current idea is to call HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_DMA() when CS goes low and when it goes up again, just abort the DMA if it's still running. Currently, it seems to work... mostly..
Well, thank you but that doesn't answer my question.I want to enable my slaves which can work parallel to each other to receive all data sent BUT they don't know how many bytes there are.. only a maximum is sent. And my buffers are just arrays.. why ...
Did I really forget to mention the mcu I use? shame on me.. STM32F103C8T6 (bluepill) Interesting point: When I run the program, it only prints the "Hallo Welt!" once.using single step, running over the HAL_UART_Transmit it prints my text once but I n...