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Posted on May 30, 2017 at 15:48HiThere are some MCUs from several microcontroller manufacturer that they have one or several Peripheral called Configurable Custom logic. by using this peripheral you can implement some glue logics design without need...
Posted on May 23, 2017 at 16:16Hi,Some of USART Peripherals support The Manchester Encoding/Decoding on a serial bit-stream that send or received.some MCUs such as ATMEL SAM3x or some families of Microchip's PIC or Cypress ARM's MCUs have this capab...
Posted on May 13, 2017 at 14:48 Hi In the USART chapter of The STM32F7 ref. manual wrote that USART peripheral can reach up to 27Mbps buad rate. so I have some questions about that. First, just the STM32F7's USART can reach to this maximum spee...