Рафик, ещё раз добрый день,
По�?ледние буквы в названии чипа означают ма�?ку - до�?тупный набор опций дл�? конкретного типономинала – кодеков, �?по�?обов шифровани�?, интерфей�?ов.
Эта информаци�? �?огла�?овывала�?ь �? производител�?ми при�?тавок п...
We have no TV decoders among our product lines for several years. Moreover, SkyWay is application owner, you hardy will be able to re-flash board by yourself. The only way is to ask SkyWay to replace your receiver.
Dears,There is declared Support for PFC on STM32F3 (Dual motor demo boardSTEVAL-CTM010V1), but during simulation this configuration in ST MC Workbench -v.5.4.4 there appear warning "The PFC is not supported in the FW for SDK5.x.x. except for SDK for ...