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The IT asserting rate seems to be totally de-correlated with the rate of reception of a sample from the microphone.Has somebody already used a microphone MEMS I2S ICS-43434 by InvenSense-TDK ?I don't succeed to connect a stereo pair of this microphon...
Posted on April 23, 2017 at 11:48When enabling ICMP so that 'ping' is enable. It is(seems)  necessary to disable hardware CRC generation. In that case the choice 'software CRC generation' is (seems to be) stuck on 'disable' and 'ping' does not respo...
Posted on April 23, 2017 at 09:59Presently I am porting a project from the CooCox platform (lwip 1.4.1) to SW4STM32 platform (lwip 2.0). This portage is almost straightforward except for the porting of the SNMP agent.I do the portage on a STM32F4 bo...
Posted on April 23, 2017 at 09:44After using STM32CubeMX (4.20.1) to use LwIP 2.0 with UDP, TCP and HTTP successfully I try to use SNMP and enable SNMP. After code generation, compiling in SW4STM32 (1.13) fails with many attributes in some structure...
Posted on April 03, 2017 at 15:54LWIP used through STM32Cube, how to put ETH in action ?