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Hi,    I am using the IIS3DWB sensors' FIFO with the following setup:/* Set Output Data Rate */err = iis3dwb_xl_data_rate_set(&dev_ctx, IIS3DWB_XL_ODR_26k7Hz);/* Set full scale */err = iis3dwb_xl_full_scale_set(&dev_ctx, IIS3DWB_16g);iis3dwb_fifo_wat...
From the ST BLE Toolbox app, I see the OTA Reboot Characteristic on my connected BT device. I type in 01 and the following code is executed:void P2PS_STM_App_Notification(P2PS_STM_App_Notification_evt_t *pNotification){/* USER CODE BEGIN P2PS_STM_App...