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I testing SPI using two STM32F411 disco.One is master, the other is slave.My problem is only work MOSI , MISO is not working.I attach my Two source code.This is setting of my disco board.Do you have any idea about error of Slave transmit of SPI?
Hi, I generated code by CUBE MX.Version of Cube mx is 4.27, MDK5 is 5.26I attach my code.In my code,The program stop at this code.while (HAL_UART_GetState(&huart2) != HAL_UART_STATE_READY){}Why is it?
Posted on December 07, 2017 at 05:43Hi, I use 3channel of SDADC in injected mode.My error is SDADC value is saved anothor variables.SDADC1 result -> saved at SDADC2 variable.SDADC2 result -> saved at SDADC3 variable.SDADC3 result -> saved at SDADC1 ...
Posted on August 15, 2017 at 15:05...
Posted on August 01, 2017 at 02:32Hello,In the AN4550 , chapter 5.1.1 SDADC from HW design describe SDADC gain.I confuse about difference between analog gain(0.5 2 4   and digital gain(16 32).Is the Analog gain change the gain using MUX?Is the Digi...