HelloI have configured TIM2 to throw an interrupt every 10 ms. Looking at APB1 Timer clocks clocks in the clock configuration, a prescaler of 199 with AutoReload set to 9999 should call the interrupt every 10ms. In reality the interrupt is called eve...
Hello,I need to fill the stack with watermarks, but I do not have access to the assembly startup script. Usually I would do it right at the start of the reset handler, is there another way of doing this?
I have setup USB connectivity between the STM32WB55 Nucleo board and my pc.As I connect to the board, my application sends some data and the board response accordingly. I can send another command to start the application running on the hardware, whic...
If I print out the values right when entering MX_TIM2_Init() I get:SystemCoreClock = 400MHzHCLK = 200MHzAPB1 = APB2 = 100MHzYet still TIM2 gets a source clock of 64 MHz. I configured the clock source as internal clock , does that mean it gets it's s...