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Hi!The company I work for have a product that uses the LDLN025 LDO regulator. The LDO drives an SIGFOX module, a couple of pullup resistors that goes to a always-powered uC and to a ST25DV64K IC. All of them has 100nF decoupling capacitors + a 22uF o...
Hi!I would like to know if there is any chance on waking up a STM32L0 (from stop mode) with an ADC in windows whatchdog mode. Probably the ADC won't operate in that mode. because of the clock. Or the ISR source won't wake the CPU.
Posted on March 17, 2017 at 23:00Hi!I am trying to write s string into the EEPROM of a STM32L053.I create a strcpy like funtion, using STM32L0xx HAL Libraries:for writing the EEPROM I use this sequence of HAL functions.char ascii_string[200];HAL_FLA...