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I'm currently tuning my PowerSTEP01 based system for voltage control and I somehow measured a bigger DC resistance on the motor phases than stated in the motors datasheet. Then it came to my mind that this could be caused by the cable used to connect...
I've set up the POWERSTEP01 driver in voltage mode, which works nicely. Now I want to use the sensor less stall detection feature to implement sensor less homing. How must the stall_th and also the ocd_th values be dimensioned for this to work correc...
Is it possible to use the complementary channels as input on the TIM4 of the STM32F407 MCU? If so, how?Thanks,Alex
#define EXTI1_IRQ_PRIO 7   TIM_HandleTypeDef htim1;   int32_t enc1_index = 0;   void enc1_index_callback(void) { if (__HAL_TIM_DIRECTION_STATUS(&htim1)==1) { enc1_index--; } else { enc1_index++; }   __HAL_TIM_SetCounter(&htim1, 0); // res...