I ran GENERATE-CODE on STM32CubeMX and M4 files were created. There is #include "stm32mp1xx.h" in stm32mp1xx_hal_def.h in Include, but there is no stm32mp1xx.h file. where is it?
In stm32mp157c-ed1.dts, the MPU pin setting is written in the stm32mp15-pinctrl.dtsi file, but in CubeMX, a node called @pinctrl is created in the generated .dts file and written in it.Why?Can I delete this part and create a ***.pinctrl.dtsi file?
OSTL is "stm32mp1-openstlinux-5.15-yocto-kirkstone-mp1-v22.06.15.u-boot-stm32mp-v2021.10-stm32mp1-r1/arch/arm/dts/include/dt-bindings/clock/stm32mp1-clk.hWhen I open this file, there is an entry for /* OSCILLATOR clocks */ and CK_SCMI0_HSE is missing...