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Hi everyone,I have a SPI eeprom on my hands, which has a weird communication protocol. Data is 8 bits wide, except for the 1st frame, which contains 1 start bit, 2 op-code bits, and 9 address bits - so 12 in total. It does not accept this first frame...
Hello,In my STM32F429 design I am using SP4 in master mode to read data from a slave with DMA in half-duplex mode. The setup is DMA2/Stream0 for RX and DMA2/Stream1 for TX, normal mode and no FIFO for both. Communication works without fail without DM...
Posted on January 31, 2018 at 00:24Hello everyone,I have a weird problem after upgrading to the latest ST board support package for STM32F4 - 1.19.0.  My screens get blacked out/cut off by two thirds (see attached pictures)The screenshot above was t...