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Hello,I'm using cubeIDE for the whole setup and I'm trying to read a voltage from 2 different pins now when using:HAL_ADC_Start(&hadc1); HAL_ADC_PollForConversion(&hadc1, HAL_MAX_DELAY);   ADCPin1Val = HAL_ADC_GetValue(&hadc1);where hadc1 pointer ref...
Hello,I'm working on my own E load test equipment for my lab that will double as a battery capacity tester and I decided to use out lovely favorite chip the stm32F411ECU AKA "Black pill"So I've set up the conversion amount to around 20 @ continues mo...
Hello, I've been trying to flash the STM32L0538 DISCO with a blink sketch after years of not touching it. Every thing seem to work fine led blinking and stuff the DISCO board look relatively new after 2+ years but when I come to upgrade the st link t...
Hello,I'm just a beginner that tryes to migrate from the arduino world to ST and before I start the dev jorney I'd like to hand on to a debbuging method that requiers as little hardware and sofware setup as possible while still having the logging and...
Hi, I'm trying to program my 32L0538DISCOVERY board using the STM32CubeIDE but after trying to upload to it it says that:  and offers me to update the st link firmware with st link upgrade so it fin'd it there and everything but when I hit the "Open ...
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