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I am using the cube programmer API in a Qt C++ windows application and hit a problem where there is clash in naming of the disconnect() function. disconnect() is in both qobject.h and CubeProgrammer_API.hI am not a C++ expert, so please tell me if I ...
I am implementing a low cost custom TouchGFX project using a stm342G071 and an ILI9488 based display. For the ILI9488 driver I need the touchGFX framebuffer in RGB888 format.This works ok if I keep the image data in internal flash but I need to put ...
I have a touchGFX project (created using the STM32G071RB Nucleo AZ1 board setup) which, if run under debug (cubeIDE), will fail during SystemClock_Config(). This needs an external loader to program the external flash.If I perform a hardware reset the...