User Activity

Hello,I'm using X-CUBE-AI to implement an ONNX model on a STM32H757I board.In particular, the ONNX model is a PyTorch model that has been exported using the onnx library offered by the pyTorch framework.The analysis procedure fails and reports the fo...
Hello,I’m using an ST MP1 Development Kit STM32MP157C-DK2 to develop and deploy projects involving Machine Learning on an SoC.I need to perform some pre-processing operations on data coming from different sensors and to do so I have at my disposal Py...
Hello, I'm currently using a ST STEVAL-MKSBOX1V1 in Expert Mode (by writing the firmware with the STM32CubeIDE).I configured the to "publish" data on 3 GATT Characteristics that are quite big (around 180 byte), with the...