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Hello Team,Which specific ST board to used for AI Appplications or AI product development.I have stm32h7b3-dk or Nucleo-F401RE board , which boards supports running a Machine learning model,Please do let me know.
STM32 AI: Not able to run the example Apps in ST BLE Sensor App, Tried to play the Apps but couldn't run any apps.  Have attached the picture of the example Apps which I couldn;t play as per the ST BLE Sensor App.
Failed to start the Debug session in STM Nucleo F401RE board. Please check the attachments below and provide a solution to program the board.
Hello Team,How to measure the power for free rtos tasks running in STM32H7b3 ?I am running FreeRTOS tasks with different frequency in stm32h7b3-dk developemnt kit.I would like to measure the power associated with each task since it is run with differ...
Hello Team,I would like to change the Frequency of the clock in two different threads. I tried two ways.1./* Enable HSE Oscillator and activate PLL with HSE as source */RCC_OscInitStruct.OscillatorType = RCC_OSCILLATORTYPE_HSE;RCC_OscInitStruct.HSESt...