User Activity

Hi. I'm using STM32F030C8T6 MCU to communicate with multiple DS18B20. I'm using Timers to make 1us delay. I set my prescaler to 48-1. and I'm running on 48MHz clock. when i connect two sensors to my MCU, i can't read temperature, so for testing i dis...
Hey guys, i want to stablish communication between LM75 and STM32F030C8T6 model.The I2C bus detect device perfectly, but i have a problem in reading temperature from LM75.Like the datasheet says, if i read the 0x00 register it will return the tempera...
Hi, I'm using a base64 library to convert my data to my base64 on STM BluePill. everything works fine, but after 5 minutes i receive an imprecise data access violation hard fault error on a for statement. i'm using main loop to run my code every 1 se...
I'm totally new on stm32 mcu's. i was working on a project and i want to update the MCU(The previous MCU was AVR) and i want to encode and decode base64 using Stm32CubeIDE(HAL Driver), so i decide to port my arduino library. The library is attached, ...