User Activity

Hello all, I'm currently working on a BLDC motor controller. Currently, I'm facing some issues with the STM32 Nucleo board. when I connect MCU ground with my inverter ground whole system is not working. if I remove the ground system is working. Initi...
Hello, Currently, I'm working with BLDC motor controller development. I used complementary switching logic to control my MOSFET. Here, the motor is not starting at less duty cycle, the motor is starting only at 70percent duty cycle. and more noise al...
How to work on STM32 inbuilt 6 step drive with hall sensor interface. Does anybody know any datasheet or reference manual for this?
Hello all, Currently I'm working with BLDC motor 6 step drive. I'm using complementary PWM channels. Logic works good and working with well with the hardware. But when ever i insert dead time its reducing on time of the Low side pulse (CHxN) but for ...
Hello, I'm working with a BLDC motor controller, I'm currently facing an issue with my current limiting algorithm. Can anyone please help me with how the current limiting works in the motor controller. and whats the relationship between RMS current a...
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